Saturday, August 8, 2009

It's been a month

It's been a month...
  1. Me and rezan were panicking wether or not I am in labour, waiting for her arrival..
  2. We been appointed with the new position 'a full time and forever a PARENT'..
  3. We been given a newborn baby to take home and we haven't even got the manual - then realising how much fun it is learning on the job.
  4. We went to downstair cafe in the hospital for a cup of coffe, and suddenly few peoples turn to us and praised..'she's gorgeous', 'she's pretty' proud mommy and papa was..
  5. Breathing in the best smell in the's smell!
  6. Being in the sleepless nite - the most tired ever been in life - and the most happy.

Nina is 1 month old on 8th August 09!


iu rf said...

sonotnyer kak.. :D

Anonymous said...

sdyney is a nice place. I never been there and I have no idea when I be going back to kl too. Mood blogging memang kurang bila ada joy of our life kan kan kan? masa i had my forst baby my cross stitching dah kena stiched away tah mana tah.. haa haa haa and now anak dah besar graduate and kahwin too.. time do flies so fast and rasa tak puas membesarkan my anak anak.

Lia Diyana said...

Wah...comelnyer anak akak. Bilalah lia dapat tengoklive agaknyer.

Shafidah Shamen said...

sonottt..tapi dia kuat nangessss, uwaaaaaaaaa

Kak Azieda,
betul la kak, time do fly fast..saya pun rasa tak puas tgk Nina masa dia betul2 baru lahir hari kejap je dah nak 2 bulan. Masa pregnant hari tu pun, rasa macam sekejap je dah beranak, rindu laaa dengan baby's kicking hehhee

Nak kena tunggu akak balik Msia, baur dapat tgk live..hehhehe tungguuuuu