It was my birthday yesterday (2nd July), yang tah haper2. Infact, sebelum tuu, saya tak ingat pun my birthday was coming, sampai laa satu hari rezan tanya 'u nak apa for your birthday?' Banyak benda yang nak dipikir dalam kepala ni lately and mungkin juga to excited menunggu this little one to come out. Sebenarnye nak tulis pasal my birthday ni semalam, but I didn't managed to do so, i was running here and there....
I am actually on sick leave this whole week, from monday to friday (today)...but i dont understand what made me unsettled, rasa macam busy sesangat. Owwhh..sick leave tu..pasal high blood presure yang tetiba jerr elevated started from 22 June baru ni. I was doing very well sebelum ni, kalau tak caya..mehh la tgk my yellow card nii..all recorded there. Hamba allah yang suka suki je bagi stress kat saya tuuu...ingat sikit lahh...dia bukan takde anak..esok2 tuhan balas pulak kat dia. Apa2 jadi on me and this will hell responsible yerr!
So because of the life suddenly became haywire. Asik laa mengulang ke GP and hospital. Tu yang busy sesangat tuu. And once in a while, saya pop-up juga ke office..kesian kat my superior..she is a nice lady...sebelum ni planned nak keje sampai 10 July before i go on maternity leave. Tetiba jadi camni saya rasa macam tak baik pulakk tinggalkan keje camtu jerr..kena laa ada handover kan... (sementara masih larat hehehe)..
Rabu lepas 1/7/09, early in the morning, pegi check BP. Camtu gak laaa..takmo turun2. Then suddenly in the afternoon, my GP called, suruh datang for blood test hari khamis (2/7/09). Uitttt masa tuu dah rasa takut dahh. So pagi2 tuu pegi laaa amik darah. The lady yang tukang amik darah tu was so sweet..heheheh masa dia tulis my DOB kat tabung darah tuu...dia cakap 'it's your birthday today!'
Blood test result came out this morning. So again, saya pegi ke GP. Masuk je bilik Dr. Judith, dia cakap, 'I have to send you to hospital' hahh!!! Something abnormal with my liver function because of this High BP..ayokkkkkk!!! So pegi laaa saya ke hospital hari nii...dari pagi sampaii ke malam, stay kat hospital. Last2, dia bagi balik, tapi monday kena datang lagii ke sana, utk repeat hari ni punya procedure. Hadeiiiiii...dah hujung2 pregnancy niii baru timbul macam2 yerr..
Hari nii..diorang keluarkan lagi medical certificate. Kali ni covering from coming monday 6 july sampai 19 july, huhhhhh..terasa macam lama tuhhhh, sebab saya ni bukan jenis yang betah kat rumah, boring gilerrrr!!
What a day.... :(