Sunday, June 28, 2009

37th week!

phewww...alhamdulillahh, dah berjaya sampai to this stage. Mean full term, i'm in 37 weeks and 1 day. Anything happen now, insyallah both baby & mummy selamat. And kalau laa this baby keluar skrg, dah kira bukan pre-mature lagi. Syukurrrrr...

I'm physically exhausted this week, since last monday to be specific. Agaknyer sebab mentally pun stress kot. This 1 whole week, terasa begituuu berat and penat, and jugakk terasa makin lembab. Tak aperr lahhh..not long to go..

Owwh yaaa..last monday, pegi check up kat RWH, tak memasal blood pressure naik. pun macam heran. I was doing very well all this while...tetiba jerr darah naik. Last suruh pi check and verify blood pressure kat GP, pun takmo turunnn..haiyoooo. Dr Judith suggested not to go to work untill delivery...and dia dah keluar surat punn...ayokkkkk! Since my due date will be on 19th July, i just told the doctor 'long way to goo..'

Even mggu ni (hari ni monday) pun kena pi check blood pressure lagii..and wednesday, kena jumpa Dr. Jutith lagii :( hmmm aper nak di kato..? semoga Allah bersama2 kamiii..aminnn.

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